Dr Billy Garvey Presentation

Parents and carers of all OPS children (K-6) are invited to attend an online education session with Dr Billy Garvey. Proudly funded by OPS P&C.

Billy is a developmental paediatrician with over 20 years experience in child development and mental health. He will present information relating to emotional regulation, self esteem and neurodivergence. The session will run for 60 minutes with an additional 30 minutes of question time.

The event will be live streamed from the Primary Library, for those wishing to attend in person. Please arrive at 6.20pm for a 6.30pm start. Children attending the disco can be dropped a little earlier to facilitate this. Or you can join online from any location. The session will be recorded if you are unable to attend on the night. Please ensure you follow the link to register for the recording: Dr Billy Garvey Presentation

Orange Public School
Address: 78 Kite Street Orange NSW 2800
Phone: 02 6362 6369
Email: orange-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: orange-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

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